What's the KI Men's Weekend about?
The process of the weekend requires that we separate ourselves from our everyday lives. So, twice a year in autumn and spring we head off to a secluded, privately owned property on Kangaroo Island (KI), and stay at a bush camp where the facilities are basic but the natural environment vital.
The core of the weekend is based on two things. Firstly, on the understanding that young fellas who are transitioning into adulthood, benefit from the active participation of older men. And secondly, an understanding that adult men benefit from the acceptance of other men who validate their experience with respect and without judgement.
The opportunity to achieve this comes about through the weekends unique and supportive environment which facilitates open expression and reflection. Personal experiences are shared and met with acceptance thus validating the worth of each person's story. Connection is found through being with and listening to others without judgement.
The weekend is full and challenging, though rest assured there is no animal sacrifice or drawing of blood. The mood is non-competitive, lacks rampant machismo and demands no vows of allegiance to any authority. In a safe and supportive environment you share and listen and contribute as much as you are willing to.
The Ceremony is a significant part of the weekend's experience as it offers a unique way to mark the important transition into manhood as well as raising the question of who are you as a man. For the young fellas this occurs around the time of their actual transition from boyhood to adulthood. For the men it is a way to acknowledge or claim back their own transition which may have occurred many years ago with or without ceremony. For adult men the Ceremony also acknowledges and marks the man they are now and looks towards a transition into Eldership.
Family and community
The KI Men’s Weekend acknowledges the considerable influence that family and the wider community have in shaping who we are and the circumstances of our lives. Whilst we separate ourselves from family and daily life for the purpose of the Weekend we also create opportunities both before and after The Weekend to which you can invite family and loved ones. In this way they are welcomed, acknowledged and given the opportunity to participate in this significant moment of your life.
Please note that whilst the purpose of the KI Men’s Weekend is for men and boys to separate themselves from family and daily life for a short while we consider that family, loved ones and people close to us have a valuable place in the lives of each of us be it past, present or future. To this end we encourage you, where appropriate and possible, to share the information on this website with the loved ones in your life.
““If we don’t initiate our boys they will burn down the village to feel the heat”.”