Frequently asked Questions
Where do the Weekends take place?
The Weekends take place on a private property on the south coast of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The property is a natural bush block with minimal services.
How long will we be away for?
We depart on Thursday afternoon and return Sunday evening.
How much does it cost?
We would like money to not be a reason for not coming on the weekend. Flexible payment plans can be arranged.
The cost of the weekend is $360 per person.
Do we take my own transport?
We provide the transport. You will however need to arrange transport to and from the departure and return locations. Details of this and an outline of the itinerary is available once a deposit has been paid.
What do I need to bring?
Some basic camping/outdoor gear and not much more. Once you have decided to come we will give you a password that gives you access to the 'Preparations' page. Most, if not all you need to know to prepare for the weekend is on there. If you do have other questions you can use the question submission form below.
Are there any age limits?
Generally 14 is the minimum age unless the young lad is maturing earlier by showing signs of looking for the next step in his life. No man is too old to participate, contribute to and gain something of value from the Weekend.
What kind of things will we do on the weekend?
We don't tell people before hand the specifics of what goes on during our time away for a couple of reasons. Firstly, an initiation weekend is best experienced with an air of the unknown about it. Secondly, people are used to managing each day, so by not knowing what's coming the possibility arises to 'go with' and trust the process.
Who's the Weekend for?
The Weekend is not only for fathers and sons but also, men or fathers without sons and sons without fathers. It is not uncommon for a son to come without his father for one reason or another. Each person coming, no matter their age becomes an integrated part of the group and in that way is supported by many men and boys of a similar age. Often fathers realise that the weekend is as much for them as it is for their son/s.
Is the Weekend affiliated with any organisations?
The group, its ideas and the activities of the weekend are not affiliated with any organisation, institution or religion, rather the men who run it come from a diverse range of backgrounds, personal experiences, interests and points of view.
If you have a question that is not covered here please click the button below to submit your question/s.
““True initiation is the passing on and personal claiming of a free gift and inheritance”.”