Testimonials from guys who have been before
"My 16 year old son and I became initiated men on the KI Men's Weekend. I thought the Weekend would be primarily a good idea for my son, and it was, however, I didn't expect to get as mush out of it for myself as I did. The event offered the opportunity for reflection, self-enquiry, courage, sharing and bonding all in a camping bush environment. For me it was a catalyst for growth and change. I highly recommend the weekend event. So much gratitude to the team of great men who organise and run it." Aaron
"An extremely enriching way of realising you are not alone". Steffan
"Best weekend I have experienced...most beautiful group of men" Shawn Phillips
"A subtle yet profound awareness dawned on me during the weekend, that through sharing experiences openly and honestly with other Men, I had come to recognize my own Manhood. That I live the reality of Manhood, rather than chasing some distant false concept of what it is to be a Man". Chris (30)
"This weekend has made a big change in the way I look at life I am grateful for all the time and effort that has been put into these weekends and I loved all the surprises and not knowing what was next and to just be in the bush with no social media or any technology and to be able to express your feelings to other men and tell them what's going on in life I am now have more confidents in myself then before and am very thankful for the past couple of days thanks guys" ( Tom ) 14
"I thought the k I mens weekend was more or less a father and son or sons journey bonding together sort of thing. Little did I know that's exactly what I got but through a completely different process. By sharing and focusing on what it feels like to be a man as an individual, watching everyone else share there experience, I feel a new level of awareness, closeness and respect with my son, the other men and to all others". Howard (53)
"Having no idea what to expect when we hit K.I. was for me a real struggle in letting go of control. In the days leading up to the weekend, it was the heaviest thing on my mind and nearly had me at the point of canceling. By the end of the weekend the mystery and surprise were, for me, a big part of what made the experience so powerful. Initially thinking this was something for my son, i ended up knowing what it is to be a man among men and it changed us both. Thanks for your dedication and organization and for doing this stuff for over 20 years. A truly life changing changing experience". Adam
"I have been involved with the KI initiation for over twenty years and in that time I feel it has helped me to evolve as conscious man. Both my sons went through the ceremony and have since been back to run the weekend on a number of occasions. To me this is a clear statement as to the impact that something like this can have on a person. It also speaks to me of another stream that the weekend offers, that of creating elders; something quite lacking in our society. Apart from all this it is always gratifying to see such a diverse group find common ground and have a great time doing it. It is humbling." Derek (55)
"Although the weekend I first experienced was a skeletal version of what we now present, I remember the subtle yet powerful changes that happened in the following six months. I began to see men differently, and men began to relate differently back. Situations that would previously have left me baffled or unsure, began to elicit an energized questioning response that over time drew me to be more in charge of my life and more conscious of a bigger picture". Greg (60)
"To those who are unsure whether they should go...Do it, Go! It will help you grow and become a stronger human being. All of the people I know who have done it enjoyed themselves. My personal testimonial would be, it was life changing the first time I went and the second, I expect nothing less of the third" Solomon (18)
"For me the KI men's initiation camp was amazing. 1. It was really good to talk to other men all being open and supporting. 2. It is set in the beautiful bush of KI filled with nature. 3. It was really good getting away from society for a weekend with no social media crap. 4.It was great meeting new people and getting to know them.” Aiken (14)
" I first went on the KI weekend four years ago with my thirteen year old son. I didn't know what to expect but as the weekend went on I got a stronger and stronger feeling that this was just what I needed. It really has helped me to know myself better. This year my thirteen year old (now 16) and my other son (15) came with me. Next year I'm hoping my father (71) will come too. I want him to experience men in this way, sharing the nuts and bolts of their lives with an open heart." Ewan (43)
“Thank you to the KI Men’s facilitators for all their dedication and guidance throughout the KI Mens Retreat. The journey we took together has been a truly transformative experince for me and has allowed some powerful shifts to take place in my psyche and positively influenced how I see myself as a man. Massive Gratitude to you all. (Greg)
“As I sit and write these words only two days after completing my first KI Men’s weekend a few things come to mind….growth, courage, acceptance, accountability and brotherhood. This weekend has truly amazed me, the depth and richness of the wekkend’sprogram is at the forefront of my impressions. I highly recommend this experience for any man who wishes to re-connect with their true authentic self” (Serge 29)
“An elder said to his son, why do you spend your time brooding my boy, don’t you know you are being driven by great winds across the sky.”